Monday, March 2, 2009

Zen and the Art of Animal Husbandry

Just got back from an interesting presentation by Matt Rales, author of the article The Inconvenient Cow. I was very impressed by his knowledge and passion on sustainable farming/husbandry and how it can be done in a manner that heals our land and our bodies. I am a firm believer in you are what you eat. I think the modern conventional industrialized farming and husbandry practices that we've allowed have separated us too much from the natural cycles of life. Our bodies and our health are reacting to this disconnect. I really love people like Joel Salatin of Polyface farms, they remind us to respect nature, respect the animals, ultimately respect ourselves.

The only real way to change the "disconnect" from our food suppliers is vote with our forks on what we choose to buy/eat. While I am eating mainly vegetables lately, I do get specific cravings for meat every so often. I really believe my body is talking to me and I think to deny those feelings would be an upset of my own personal health and balance. I want to feel good about my choices, so I want to support local farmers like Joel. It makes me feel better knowing my food was lovingly cared for and respected before it came to my plate.

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